Selected Publications
Amanda J. Rothschild, "How Biden Missed a Chance To Use the House Gallery To Illuminate a Foreign Policy," The New York Sun, February 23, 2023.
"State of the Union guests are not mere political pawns. They have personal stories that communicate much more about a particular issue than policy talking points. By giving voice to them from the bully pulpit, a president allows them to speak to America and the world."
"State of the Union guests are not mere political pawns. They have personal stories that communicate much more about a particular issue than policy talking points. By giving voice to them from the bully pulpit, a president allows them to speak to America and the world."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "NATO’s New Opportunity: U.S. Commitments in Europe after
Russia’s War in Ukraine" Response Paper Reagan Institute Strategy Group, July 2022.
"The siren song of cocktail party diplomacy is as dangerous as it is alluring in some corners of the world [...] The United States must assume a leadership role not just in words, but in action. Matters of war and peace demand strong and courageous—and at times difficult—conversations and policy decisions. American leadership with allies should be grounded in shared interests—not simply appearances—in all regions of the world."
Russia’s War in Ukraine" Response Paper Reagan Institute Strategy Group, July 2022.
"The siren song of cocktail party diplomacy is as dangerous as it is alluring in some corners of the world [...] The United States must assume a leadership role not just in words, but in action. Matters of war and peace demand strong and courageous—and at times difficult—conversations and policy decisions. American leadership with allies should be grounded in shared interests—not simply appearances—in all regions of the world."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "Why is German -- With Its History of Genocide -- Enabling China's Genocide?" Newsweek, December 10, 2021.
"As Germany considers its path forward on China over the next few months and years, its new Chancellor and the new German government would be wise to remember the Kniefall von Warschau, the burdens of Chancellor Brandt, and what good people do under history's mounting, imminent, and ever moral weight."
"As Germany considers its path forward on China over the next few months and years, its new Chancellor and the new German government would be wise to remember the Kniefall von Warschau, the burdens of Chancellor Brandt, and what good people do under history's mounting, imminent, and ever moral weight."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "A Morgenthau Moment for Afghanistan," The Dispatch, August 25, 2021.
"In Morgenthau’s case, he was dealing with what seemed to be a large degree of deliberate policy interference and malintent on top of quite a bit of plain old incompetence. It may be decades before the American people know exactly what went wrong in the planning for the Afghanistan withdrawal [...] Time is running short, and the human costs running increasingly high."
"In Morgenthau’s case, he was dealing with what seemed to be a large degree of deliberate policy interference and malintent on top of quite a bit of plain old incompetence. It may be decades before the American people know exactly what went wrong in the planning for the Afghanistan withdrawal [...] Time is running short, and the human costs running increasingly high."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "The Biden Administration's Empathy Problem," Newsweek, August 24, 2021.
"We too often assume that strong political communication is a matter of savvy politics, flowery language and perhaps even large datasets and subject-area expertise. In fact, the best speechwriters and political orators above all have a deep understanding of the human condition both in suffering and in triumph. In the dark days ahead in Afghanistan, meeting the moment will require recognizing this common humanity."
"We too often assume that strong political communication is a matter of savvy politics, flowery language and perhaps even large datasets and subject-area expertise. In fact, the best speechwriters and political orators above all have a deep understanding of the human condition both in suffering and in triumph. In the dark days ahead in Afghanistan, meeting the moment will require recognizing this common humanity."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "Rhetoric Divorced from Reality: Deciphering Biden’s Foreign Policy Philosophy," The National Interest, July 7, 2021.
"The conspicuous gap between President Joe Biden’s rhetoric and actions when it comes to foreign policy may risk undermining both his messaging and strategy."
"The conspicuous gap between President Joe Biden’s rhetoric and actions when it comes to foreign policy may risk undermining both his messaging and strategy."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "A Middle Class Foreign Policy Must Address Universities' China Dependence," Newsweek, May 14, 2021.
"Proponents of lifting restrictions argue that doing so is necessary to sustain universities and surrounding communities dependent on financial support from Chinese nationals. But this argument obscures the profound moral and economic consequences of higher education's undue financial reliance on China."
"Proponents of lifting restrictions argue that doing so is necessary to sustain universities and surrounding communities dependent on financial support from Chinese nationals. But this argument obscures the profound moral and economic consequences of higher education's undue financial reliance on China."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "Don't Abandon Trump's Achievements" in "Key Republican Lessons for Biden's Global Agenda: Five former officials for the Trump and Bush administrations share their foreign-policy advice for the new team," Foreign Policy, February 3, 2021.
"The Biden administration should capitalize on the Trump administration’s gains in strengthening U.S. alliances and forging new partnerships in critical regions. "
"The Biden administration should capitalize on the Trump administration’s gains in strengthening U.S. alliances and forging new partnerships in critical regions. "
Amanda J. Rothschild, "Dictatorships and a Different Double-Standard," Washington Examiner, February 1, 2021.
"Four decades ago, Jeane Kirkpatrick published her famous article, 'Dictatorships and Double Standards.' Today, it appears we have confronted a different problem of the same name."
"Four decades ago, Jeane Kirkpatrick published her famous article, 'Dictatorships and Double Standards.' Today, it appears we have confronted a different problem of the same name."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "Rousing a Response: When the United States Changes Policy Toward Mass Killing," International Security, Vol. 42 No. 2 (Fall 2017).
Nominated for two awards from the American Political Science Association: the Outstanding Article in International History and Politics Award; and the Alexander L. George Article Award for methodological contribution and innovation, or exemplary application of qualitative methods.
Nominated for two awards from the American Political Science Association: the Outstanding Article in International History and Politics Award; and the Alexander L. George Article Award for methodological contribution and innovation, or exemplary application of qualitative methods.
Amanda J. Rothschild, "ISIS and Genocide: How the United States Talks about Atrocities," Foreign Affairs, February 28, 2016.
"History demonstrates that U.S. policy toward mass killing is truly democratic; much of the power ultimately rests in the hands of the American people. If a response is what the American people desire, pressure through Congress, through the media, and through civil society may lead to significant policy change. In the absence of these pressures, the Obama administration is likely to maintain the status quo."
"History demonstrates that U.S. policy toward mass killing is truly democratic; much of the power ultimately rests in the hands of the American people. If a response is what the American people desire, pressure through Congress, through the media, and through civil society may lead to significant policy change. In the absence of these pressures, the Obama administration is likely to maintain the status quo."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "51 U.S. Diplomats Criticized U.S. Policy on Syria. Will Their Dissent Make a Difference?" Washington Post, June 24, 2016, sec. Monkey Cage.
"The large number of signatories on the dissenting memo is truly historic, but what's equally significant is that these diplomats have now joined a long line of government dissidents during cases of mass atrocity. These 51 names, as yet unknown, undoubtedly will someday rank alongside Henry Morgenthau Jr., Archer Blood and Marshall Harris, 20th century U.S. government officials who took a stand against U.S. policy in response to mass killings abroad."
"The large number of signatories on the dissenting memo is truly historic, but what's equally significant is that these diplomats have now joined a long line of government dissidents during cases of mass atrocity. These 51 names, as yet unknown, undoubtedly will someday rank alongside Henry Morgenthau Jr., Archer Blood and Marshall Harris, 20th century U.S. government officials who took a stand against U.S. policy in response to mass killings abroad."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "The Holocaust Bankers Who Saved My Grandmother," Forbes, January 18, 2017, sec. Opinion.
"Jobs can certainly bring meaning into our lives, but the meaning we project for others, at times for generations, derives from our character—something much deeper, and of the soul. Knowing this, it would be foolish to make either positive or negative assumptions about others’ values based on their professions or their bank accounts."
"Jobs can certainly bring meaning into our lives, but the meaning we project for others, at times for generations, derives from our character—something much deeper, and of the soul. Knowing this, it would be foolish to make either positive or negative assumptions about others’ values based on their professions or their bank accounts."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "Young Political Thinkers," New York Times, December 12, 2016, sec. Opinion/A, 20.
"Not mentioning this aspect of the program risks undercutting one of its principal achievements: creating a network of young professionals who may disagree on a range of intellectual and political issues but nevertheless seek serious and informed discussion. Such programs do not just benefit a diverse Republican Party; they also benefit our country."
"Not mentioning this aspect of the program risks undercutting one of its principal achievements: creating a network of young professionals who may disagree on a range of intellectual and political issues but nevertheless seek serious and informed discussion. Such programs do not just benefit a diverse Republican Party; they also benefit our country."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "American Dream in 'N.Y. Values,'" Boston Herald, February 7, 2016, sec. Opinion, 16.
"In New York the American dream thrives and our dearest American values flourish. My New York values have shaped my work ethic, my interest in public service and my belief in the truly exceptional nature of our country. New York reminds us that despite our differences, racial and religious, regional and economic, we all share the values of democracy, freedom, independence and industry. Division may be politically expedient, but it is unity in this shared history that makes us American."
"In New York the American dream thrives and our dearest American values flourish. My New York values have shaped my work ethic, my interest in public service and my belief in the truly exceptional nature of our country. New York reminds us that despite our differences, racial and religious, regional and economic, we all share the values of democracy, freedom, independence and industry. Division may be politically expedient, but it is unity in this shared history that makes us American."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "The Quiet Whistle-Blowers Who Saved Jewish Lives," Boston Globe, November 1, 2015, sec. Ideas, K5.
"The term whistle-blower has assumed a negative connotation in recent years, associated of late with those who put others' lives at risk by exposing secrets. The Treasury men and their allies at State did just the opposite. They risked their jobs to save others' lives. And yet, their names remain largely absent from public consciousness."
"The term whistle-blower has assumed a negative connotation in recent years, associated of late with those who put others' lives at risk by exposing secrets. The Treasury men and their allies at State did just the opposite. They risked their jobs to save others' lives. And yet, their names remain largely absent from public consciousness."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "Call Radical Islam by Name to Win War of Ideas," Boston Herald, June 14, 2016, sec. Opinion, 25.
"To ignore the role of radical Islam in causing the deaths of these members of the LGBT community is akin to ignoring the role of neo-Nazism and racism in contributing to the deaths in the Charleston church shooting in South Carolina [...] These were atrocities inspired by hateful ideologies that need to be properly identified, combatted, and defeated to prevent future attacks."
"To ignore the role of radical Islam in causing the deaths of these members of the LGBT community is akin to ignoring the role of neo-Nazism and racism in contributing to the deaths in the Charleston church shooting in South Carolina [...] These were atrocities inspired by hateful ideologies that need to be properly identified, combatted, and defeated to prevent future attacks."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "Policy Relevant Scholarship: What’s Chutzpah Got to Do with It?" War on the Rocks, July 6, 2015.
"In international relations and security, we are studying issues with critical stakes for the world. Applying our research to these issues often necessitates entering the public debate and taking a position. As a result, we would be wise to cultivate a culture of intellectual bravery."
"In international relations and security, we are studying issues with critical stakes for the world. Applying our research to these issues often necessitates entering the public debate and taking a position. As a result, we would be wise to cultivate a culture of intellectual bravery."
Amanda J. Rothschild, "[President Obama] Fails to Call Out Anti-Semitism," Boston Herald, February 13, 2015, sec. Opinion, 15.
"Political correctness at the expense of moral courage is not a worthy goal for those interested in justice, peace, and
freedom. A desire not to offend is sometimes the greatest offense of all."
"Political correctness at the expense of moral courage is not a worthy goal for those interested in justice, peace, and
freedom. A desire not to offend is sometimes the greatest offense of all."